Defensive driving will save your life and the lives of people around you on the road.
In defensive driving, the term ‘collision’ is often used instead of ‘accident’. An accident is an unfortunate event resulting from unavoidable causes.
Collision is an unfortunate event but usually avoidable by one or more drivers involved in that collision. So, simply put collisions are considered preventable. Normally intense analysis of an incident will prove whether it was an accident, preventable or non-preventable based on the evidences collected.
There are three factors involved in a driving situation – The driver, the vehicle and the conditions. As a driver, you can create your driving surroundings. You increase the risk of collision, by speeding, changing lanes without caution or notification, or being just negligent. It is your responsibility to be safe on the road by maintaining the posted speed limit and allowing safe distance between his vehicle and the other. Be constantly aware of your surroundings. The vehicles on all four sides of his vehicle plus anything that can touch your vehicle from the top, like the bridges, cables etc.
What are not under your control are weather conditions like rain, snow, traffic, quality of the road, light,
Only thing that you should do is be proactive.
Be proactive in simple terms mean EXPECT and be prepared
- Conduct your pre-trip and post trip inspections. It is a federal law and when your work site is audited, these documents will be looked into. They are especially vital when collisions or accidents happen.
- Scan the road ahead, behind and next to your vehicle. Remember the blind spots. Get additional mirror is you need.
- Check your mirrors more often as you drive.
- Keep your eye on the traffic and ears on the sounds from your vehicle. Feel your vehicle. Anything unusual, check it out and report to your supervisor immediately. If you don’t feel safe driving an equipment, say so. If a supervisor Okays it, record it in your personal diary with the name, time and date. dakota cargo bandung
- Make sure you know what to do when you face a hazardous situation like a car stopping suddenly in front of you, a pedestrian crosses a street, a dog runs in the middle of the road or the next lane driver swirls towards you. You have very heavy equipment that is difficult to maneuver on demand and could turn to be lethal weapon.
- Once you see any of these, act quickly. You should always be alert while driving.
Do not under any circumstances,
- Drive without the seatbelt. Not worth losing your life.
- Text while driving
- Hold the phone to your ears. You need both hands to maneuver your vehicle.
- Read a book or verify maps
- Or anything that distracts you from driving.
Tuck drivers: You’re responsible for yourself, your equipment and your driving methods. Be safe at all times. Remember, your safety is important for you and everyone around you.